Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thats What You Get For Waking Up in VEGAS!

Ok ok I love that Katy Perry song about Las Vegas...'cause we woke up married in Vegas!
Watch the video here.
Anyways, last weekend we got the chance to return to our wedding spot. We flew in Saturday night and drove home Tuesday. It was a wonderful mini-vacation! We got to see the "Vegas Barlows" and introduce Ryan to the majority of the cousins. It was really nice to visit with them and get to know Uncle Bruce and Aunt Dodie better...seeing as I only know them really from being a kid. We also spent lots of time with Ryan's sister, Heather, and her little family. She has two daughters - Malaya who will be 3 in September and Makylie who just turned 1! They are SOOOO cute and we wish they lived closer so we could see them more often! We are so lucky to have some cute nieces coming from both sides of the family!While we were there we got to do a little gambling (which I HATE because I always lose...Ryan loves it because he always wins!) and eat and eat and eat because we got 2 for 1 buffet for $7! If you go to Vegas, definitely join the Players Club at your hotel because you get tons of good deals on restaurants and they send you fun things in the mail afterwards! Ryan's sister works at the Eastside Cannery so we got a Deluxe Suite for $29 a night! It is like 10 miles east of the strip but we had a car so it was fine.We were picking up a car for my dad so we drove back on Tuesday. We stopped in Lancaster, Ca to see Ryan's mom because it's on the way home. That was fun to see her for about an hour! Whilst driving, we passed ZZYZX Road...who names a road that? How do you pronounce it? "zicks" is what we settled on. Definitely a fun memory from our roadtrip.We stopped in Barstow to eat at Tommys Burgers because Ryan insisted it was worth it. I hate to admit it BUT it was! They have these chili cheese burgers that were delicious!
It was an awesome little trip and we hope to do it again SOON! It ended on a high note, literally, with a Journey tribute sung by Ryan and me for the last hour on the road :)

This picture is from Ryan's birthday, just so you can see how cute our other niece is...we sure hope our kids are as cute as all our nieces and nephew (ya Sam, you're pretty cute too)!


Chantalle said...

So fun! We have passed that weird. Good to know there is somewhere good to eat in Barstow- we drove from Provo to So Cal three times last fall and never knew anywhere good to stop...I think there was a Burger King in Barstow that we stopped at a few times.

Anne of Green Barlows said...

What a fun trip to Vegas! I love that song do have cute nieces!

erin said...

those girls are sooo cute!

Kim said...

Beautiful Girls! How are you guys doing? We're at the end of summer and I'm tired. Getting the kids ready for school is as much work as Christmas.