Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Crafts!

A few days ago, Ryan and I were talking about how plain our kitchen looks and how our coffee table is SO BIG that we need decorations! So yesterday I had the day off and felt like being crafty! I took a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond to find a centerpiece for our coffee table because we STILL had store credit there from our wedding. I stood in front of the candle table decorations for 20 minutes while talking to my mom on the phone (talking about tablecloths and sewing and gossiping etc...) and trying to decide which one would look best AND Ryan would like.
I finally decided on this one:I am going to get some fabric and sew a little table runner/mat for underneath this to complete the look.
Then I headed over to Michael's "Where Creativity Begins" for some inspirations and supplies for my kitchen table bouquet and a kitchen wall hanging. An hour and a half later I headed home with flowers (I absolutely LOVE flower arranging - I did my own bridal bouquet), sand, a canvas, paint and stencils.
Last night I made THIS:And today I arranged THIS:What do you think?

Coming up: I am going to buy fabric and sew my own tablecloth but I am waiting for my mom's sewing machine to be back in commission.


Anne of Green Barlows said...

Jen this looks great! I love love love it. I wish that I had your ability for the flower arranging...can't wait to see what you do with the coffee table.

Anonymous said...

Looks good.Great Job!!

Taylor Crane said...

I love it!

Chase and Amanda said...

Pretty much love the colors!! Cute cute cute :)

Brett and Kimberly said...

You inspire me :) Very cute Jennie!

Cristina said...

cute! isn't it great to have left over credit to bed bath so you can buy FUN stuff?!

Kim said...

I've been married 19 years now and I still haven't done ANY of that stuff. It looks great Jennie.

erin said...

wow good for you and your flower arranging, i am HORRIBLE at it and its always frustrating! i love the dark and green colors. im a cool colored person :)

erin said...

p.s. we have been married for 2.5+ years and i just used BBB money on saturday. hahaha