Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Birthday weekend fun

My birthday was wonderful! I cant believe I'm 24 now...I swear I just turned 18! Well, I woke up to a BEAUTIFUL new Coach purse - and some yummy, smelly lotion and spray from The Body Shop - - from Ryan of course! IM SO SPOILED!! We went to a delicious lunch at Eddie Papa's here in Ptown, its "America's Hangout". They serve random food but its delish! Then I got to take my daily nap :) That night we went to my parents' house because Laura was in town along with my Uncle Bruce and Aunt Dodie!

Saturday was an amazing day also...Ryan got baptized!! Along with the aforementioned family, my brother Jeff, his wife Kim and their kids Sam, Mary and Abbey drove down from Seattle! Having so much family in town for the weekend was a blast! It made for the BEST birthday weekend ever!

Upcoming events include: me finishing the "maxi dress" Im sewing for myself, recreating a sign I saw online a while back, allergies probably going to kill me, going through some boxes from college and reminiscing...expect something interesting in the next post!


Chantalle said...

I want to see this sign! Are you going to make anything over here this week?? :)

Makelle Nesbit said...

Ahh, college . . . those were the days!!

The Piquant Storyteller said...

I love smelly lotion! That's the best. And I love to reminisce about college too.

Cristina said...

aw how exciting ryan got baptized! :)