Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our house! AFTER Decorations!!!

Sorry this took so long but I finally have it decorated! There are still things that need to be done here and there...and some furniture needs to be bought for the front room, but it feels like home now :)

The view when you first walk-in, ignore the lack of sofas in the room
The wall on the left side of the room :)
The wall on the right, all my books and dvds
The family room/tv room
Close up of the wall decor
Close up of the fireplace (we may be hanging the "Mr and Mrs" sign above the picture)
The dining area...pretty much the same as our old apartment, Im gonna have to do something about that nasty light fixture! Oh, and the 4th chair is holding a humidifier in our bedroom, its so dry here!
Left wall of room #1: Craft room, office
Right wall of room #1
Left wall of room #2: Malaya and Makylie's play room/extra room
Right wall of room #2Hallway to our room
Left wall of the master bedroom, just as you walk in the door
Our bed set-up, to the right/across from the tv
So there you have it! Thats our house! We are missing the bathrooms but those are not photo-worthy.


TomAndCor said...

Congrats, guys! You did a cute job decorating.

Anonymous said...

Nice, what does your hubby think of the zebra rug? he he I love it though.

erin said...


Jen and Ryan said...

He actually likes the rug! It wont stick out so much once we have couches...

Spencer and Jenn said...

Very cute! I love dining table colors!