Monday, August 30, 2010


So...we're moving back to the Bay! Here's the details: Ryan's job has been fun but his pay is solely commission and there just hasnt been any business so he hasnt gotten much of a paycheck in July and August. I have been trying to find a job to supplement our income but all Ive been able to get is a nanny job once a week. So basically we're out of money :( But really it was only a matter of time. We arent able to even really see Ryan's sister and her family. Health insurance here is TERRIBLE. Its sooo dry that I can't stay hydrated so Ive felt crappy ever since we moved here (fatigue, headaches, stomach aches, etc). And last week we went to Pleasanton to see our new nephew Spencer and his big sister Sammie...How could we NOT miss these faces??

So our little journey to Vegas is coming to an end. To all the people living in the Bay Area: the grass is NOT greener on the other side!


Stacie said...

Hip Hip Hurray! Yeah, best news ever!

The Piquant Storyteller said...

Is there even grass in Vegas? Well, that's exciting news about you guys moving back!

Chantalle said...

So glad to have you back :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome perfect timing. Were moving back next weekend. See you in Cali. When do you move back, do you know yet?

Holley_Anne said...

YES! im sooo glad your coming back! yogurt date as soon as you come home!