Monday, June 8, 2009

Finally... Ryan makes a blog post

Well I suppose it's my turn to blog. It turns out to be harder to blog than I thought. But since Jennie just got a new ring lets talk about that for a minute.

Ok, ok, now I know what you are thinking "What in the world would warrant Jennie to get a NEW ring already? Didn't they just get married in March... err February... anyway whatever. Does he love her THAT much to buy her another ring? That's quite possible... but not yet (can't spoil her too much this early in the game :)

Actually, it turns out her first ring had small diamonds all around the edges and apparently they weren't in a very secure setting, view Exhibit A:

We had the lifetime protection plan, sent the ring back, got new a new diamond and not long after that another diamond falls out in a different spot. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for a 3rd time and figured it was time trade it in for something else. We had talked about trading that one in but we weren't sure of the logistics on doing that in regards to value, price difference etc. So I get the call at work on Saturday "Hi babe, I got a new ring... I hope you like it!" My first reaction was "uh oh". I wasn't quite expecting her to come home with a ring picked out so quickly and to have everything worked out in one trip to the jeweler and I had no idea what to expect. But when I took one look at the ring I knew why, Exhibit B:

It really is beautiful isn't it? I shouldn't have been surprised when she took one look and said that is "the one" after all that is how she saw me! This one also has small diamonds along the edge but they are in a "channel" setting and promises to be more secure. We shall see!


Chase and Amanda said...

Oooohhh bling bling girl! Love the new ring... I wonder if I can trade mine in?!! Miss ya and hope you two are doing good!

Anne of Green Barlows said...

I LOVE the new ring! It is so pretty and sparkly! Good choice:)