Monday, June 15, 2009

Secret Club?

Our apartment building is in the midst of a bunch of office buildings. Its quite nice and quiet at night. There is this ONE thing that comes every once in a while, on random nights, and it makes us wonder...

Anyone have any guesses as to WHY this random neon light would be on an office building? It makes no sense....97 points for the person with the most creative idea!

(We've had to wait a few weeks for it to show up again...we drove past and slammed on the brakes to capture it!)


Aubrey G said...

I don't know but if you figure it out I want to know!!

Jane said...

It's living art...

Anne of Green Barlows said...

I am pretty sure that it is to direct the lightening straight to their building. Then, when it gets struck with the lightening, the sheer electricity gets pooled underneath the building so that they can harness it for energy. They call it "Going Green". I'm pretty sure:)