Monday, April 5, 2010


My birthday is on Friday! What shall I do???If only we stayed so small and innocent :)


Anonymous said...

have your hubby set it up LOL
or ask for 24 fav flowers? or maybe a slave for you for the whole day. he he JK I like the last one best. LOL Happy B-day.

Jen and Ryan said...

That's a fantastic idea! Now I'm working on getting him to take work off :)

Aubrey G said...

When I saw that you are turning 24 I thought, hmmm I didn't know Jen was a year older than me. Then I realized that I am turning 24 this year too! Weird! Didn't we just turn 20????

Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chase and Amanda said...

be happy it's only 24!!! i'm facing the big 26 this year... no longer teetering on the edge, i'll officially be closer to 30!! EEEEKKK!