Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I got a sewing machine a while ago and have been doing various projects. I attempted to make myself a didnt work out so well. I didnt use a pattern and just tried to make it up. I finally finished it but it doesnt fit right. SO I used the leftover fabric to make a dress for my niece Sammie!Cute, right? (ignore the mismatching polka dotted shirt underneath)
I also did a painting. I watch Project Runway and there is this one room where they wait while the judges are deliberating who to kick off next. This past season they had some CUTE wall hangings in that room so I decided to copy and make my own version! You like?And, for kicks and giggles, here is a video of Sammie:


Chantalle said...

Cute!! Good work :) I started making car seat covers yesterday...and then one of my orders of fabric came in! I cut them all last night, so I will be sewing a lot today! Except that I need to make cupcakes for a RS activity tonight...that will slow me down :)

Chase and Amanda said...

Cute cute painting!!!!

erin said...

totally LOVE the painting!