Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer has ARRIVED

I think Summer has finally decided to make an appearance! After the past month of raining every few days, its HOT HOT HOT! Yesterday it was sunny and 81 degrees outside (according to my car, who knows if that was accurate). I decided to text Chelsea and beg her to let me take Sammie to the park! She had some things to get done so she willingly obliged.

After I pulled up to Mike and Chel's I saw a sweet little piggy-tailed girl at the window yelling "JEN JEN!!! JEN JEN!!!" and when I got inside she ran up to me and hugged me and offered me her cheek to kiss her, then proceeded to run around haphazardly squealing and throwing balls at (to) me. I love her so much!

The park was so much fun! We only were able to stand it for an hour because it felt like 90 degrees and NO SHADE...but we ran around the grass, went down the slides, banged on the "rock"/rubber step, swung on the "pok!"/swings, and bounced up and down on the teeter-totter! I was exhausted after chasing Sammie around and having half heart attacks every time she ran to the edge and wanted to jump or go on the part that was WAY too complicated for a 23 month old.

Overall, we had a BLAST and I just love me my Sammie time. While at the park and taking a water break I pulled out my camera phone and said "Smile for Uncle Ry Ry!", this is what I got:


Makelle Nesbit said...

She looks just like Boo on Monsters Inc! What a cutie!!

Jen and Ryan said...

I know!!! Shes so adorable, I pray my children will be just as cute.