Monday, June 7, 2010


I cant believe it! We are moving to LAS VEGAS!!!

Here's the story:
We'd been thinking about how much we miss Ry's sister, Heather, and her ADORABLE daughters...and thinking about how much it costs to buy a house in the Bay Area (WAY TOO MUCH) so we decided to see if it would be right for us to move to Vegas. Last week we went to visit. We had a list of several places Ryan would go into and give his resume but we weren't too sure anything would come out of it. The first place Ryan walked into he was there for TWO HOURS talking with the owner. Turns out his employee had just quit THE DAY BEFORE. He was hesitant to hire the first guy that went in there (who didnt even know they needed someone!), but once you get to talk with Ryan you know he's a GREAT guy. So he called the next day and offered Ry the job! He starts JUNE 14TH!! Ya, that's in a week...

Then, the new boss tells us his neighbor owns a bunch of properties and rents them out and has one available - for HALF what we pay here. And we can do month-to-month, no contract, no questions asked. So after a few months we can buy a house!

How many more things need to go great for us to know this is right?!?!

So here we are, moving this weekend! Its sudden and shocking and crazy but we are SO SO SO excited for our new adventure. We will DEFINITELY miss everyone here (especially our Sammie) but we can visit often and EVERYONE is welcome to come stay with us whenever they want!

Now, I know you want to know what it is Ryan will be doing. He is going to be working at a high end exotic car dealership. Right now its just the owner and he goes to his other dealership in San Diego every other week. So Ry will basically be running the place! The new boss has total faith in Ryan and is giving him the ability to consign whatever cars he feels will be good for them. It's an AWESOME opportunity and Ryan is really excited!

Here are a few pictures from our trip - you can see why we would want to be closer to these girls!


katy said...

That is SO exciting!! Congrats to both of you! We might be taking you up on that offer someday...

Bee Happy Stamper said... is very exciting and you can't argue with fate! Congrats, and you will be missed!!!

Jen and Ryan said...

Katy you better take me up on that! I LOVE visitors!!

Thanks for agreeing Heidi! I sure hope we will be missed and people arent thinking "YAY she's leaving, now I dont have to pretend to be her friend!"

erin said...

congratulations and good luck with the move! thats exciting, and nice that you will still be close enough to visit family back in the bay.

Cristina said...

how exciting!! i'm happy for you guys :) vegas isn't too far from us so maybe we'll have to come visit one of these days too! (p.s. it was so good to see you at my shower!)