Sunday, July 4, 2010

Random thoughts for a Sunday afternoon

As I lay here being lazy in bed, waiting for Ryan to watch a movie, I cant help but have tons of thoughts racing through my head:

-I miss Sammie. A LOT. Like I cry about this quite often.-I love our new place! Its so nice to have so much space. There is a place for EVERY little thing!
-I love my husband so much. I cant believe I got so lucky to find a man who is so great and loves ME in return! Crazy...-I cant wait until we have our other car here. And Im excited for Anne and Dad to drive it here! AND for them to be here to visit! More excited for the visit actually...the second car will be a small bonus.
-I want a child. Now. But apparently I have to wait. And Im sick of only telling Ryan that. EVERY day. Poor husband.
-How do those UBER rich people deal with all that money? I dont know what I would do with a million more money continuously coming in. I could deal with a million once, but multiple times? I'd have to do A LOT of donating and charity work. Did you hear about Warren Buffet? He's donating 99% of all his money and he will STILL have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life AND for his kids to live comfortably for the rest of THEIR lives! Thats so much. Too much. Money doesnt buy happiness.
-I love crafting. And sewing.
-Vegas isnt as ugly as I anticipated. There are actually some pretty things! Like the palm trees. Desert landscaping isnt quite "lush" but there are some great trees and plants you can have to spruce things up.-I wish I was one of those people that can't function without their daily workout. Or one of those people that's addicted to running. You think its rough, I think its lucky. Maybe I should quit blogging and jump on the bike? The other night I was going through pics on my laptop. Here is me back in the summer of 2005, if I could have seen myself in 5 yrs future I wouldnt have thought I was fat then...-Sometimes people say things that make me want to say "Welcome to my world!" Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
-I love to sing.
-I need to go make dinner now.

Thanks for reading. Dont judge :)


Stacie said...

Great post! I love the honestly and I love the pics. Can't wait for your fam to come visit you too.

Chantalle said...

I miss you.

katy said...

i feel the same way when looking at old pic's. not only were we not fat, we were SKINNY!

Jennie said...

Agreed Katy!

Jennie said...

and DITTO Chantalle. Lots.