Monday, June 28, 2010

Our House! BEFORE Decorations

I have been getting requests for pictures of our new place. I havent gotten everything unpacked but here are pictures of it BEFORE:

This is what you see when you first walk in the front door:
Here is the view from the fireplace looking towards the front of the house. Down that little hallway is the laundry area, door to the garage, and half bath:
This is the kitchen and dining area, next to the area with the fireplace:
You go upstairs and these two bedrooms are on the left, in the front of the house. They are pretty nice sized with closets:This is the hall bathroom, next to the bedrooms. Its a light/bright green color which the owner said I could paint if I want but I got some cute towels and a bath mat that actually make it look cute and fun!:Down the hallway towards the back of the house is the master bedroom. Its BIG and we love love love the ceiling fan:
This is MY closet :) Ryan has one that is SLIGHTLY smaller and just the right size for his clothes. I have a couple more things and need this walk-in, hehehe:
This is looking into my closet door mirror, reflecting into the mirror over the you can see the whole bathroom area. We have a separate bathtub and shower stall also:
There you have it! Our house and current home. There is SO much storage, Im in love! If we owned it I would stain all the cabinets darker because they are a nasty, outdated color but I can handle it! The carpets are brand new which makes me feel more sanitary :) The owners are really laid back and said we can paint anything we want, do anything with the landscaping we want, anything to make it feel like our own. Im sure they would like any free upgrades haha. My wheels are turning!


erin said...

looks AWESOME! happy for you!

The Piquant Storyteller said...

I've been thinking of you lately. I was hoping you were getting all settled and enjoying your new place. It looks so nice! How awesome that the landlord is willing to let you do whatever you want to it to make it your own.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. House decor is so fun and so addicting. he he enjoy

Aubrey G said...

I can't wait to see pictures of it all decorated, how fun!

katy said...

looks sweet! and for way less than you were paying for a one bedroom!

Cristina said...

that looks so nice! i'm excited to see it decorated :)