Monday, August 9, 2010

Wedding Weekend!

This past weekend, our friend Johnny came to Vegas with his fiance Nicole to GET MARRIED! They brought along Ernie and Alicia to share in the fun. Here are a few pics to commemorate the fun:

The night before, on our way to eat some BUFFET!!
Getting ready for the day, these two guys get WAY too excited around each other!
Alicia and Nicole
My handsome husband, waiting for the elevator :)
Dancing in the limo on the way to the chapel
Finishing touches before she walks down the aisle
Ryan and Ernie. Ya, they just met Friday. Instant love birds.
Coming out after the ceremony!! YAY!
Yes, you recognize the church...its where Ry and I got married!!
The famous sign

Overall, it was a great weekend! I was the designated "photographer", since Ryan has a nice camera, so I took 300+ pics. Ry and I will be editing them and probably posting more as we go. I kind of like taking wedding photos!

Congrats again to Johnny and Nicole!!


Aubrey G said...

Awesome pictures Jen! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun, miss you!!!

Unknown said...

I love them so far!!
