Wednesday, August 4, 2010

MMMMM Cookiessssss

Ryan's birthday was last week and instead of cake he wanted cookies. I made some chocolate chip cookies and they were yummy. He had also requested some peanut butter but I completely forgot, so I had to make it up to him and make another batch this week! Believe you me - they are SCRUMPTIOUS!!!! All you do is follow the recipe for chocolate chip cookies on the back of the package, then add a spoonful of peanut butter and a spoonful of - get this - Nutella. YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM!!!! You wont regret these cookies, unless you're on a diet and then you'll hate me for the temptation! :)

Oh, for Ryan's birthday we went to a restaurant called Casa di Amore. Its so cute and romantic and has the essence of "Old Las Vegas". There was a singer/piano/guitar player that sang old Sinatra (etc) songs. It was so much fun! There was even a group eating dinner that we are pretty sure were mobsters...Mom and Dad, you'd love it. We'll take you there!


Cristina said...

these cookies sound delicious! i'm gonna try this recipe :) thanks for sharing!

Jane said...

Yes, indeed, that restaurant sounds like one we went to on our honeymoon - love those mobsters! Laura would be in Heaven!
Your cookies make me want to bake....