Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I LOVE this holiday. Dressing up is so fun! Last year we didnt have anything to do so we didnt get to dress up. I was very sad. But this year we had a party to attend! After much deliberation, we decided to be an old fashioned western bank robber and his bag of loot! I must admit I did not come up with this myself. I found the idea online! So after a few hours of sewing we had our costumes! Here we are:
We UNFORTUNATELY are off sugar/desserts so I havent been able to indulge in the candy-fest. But I will confess to eating 2 candy corn and 6 dots. A girl's gotta make exceptions right??


Chantalle said...

You like DOTS?? The candy corn I can see, but dots not so much. Good job with the costumes!! That is SO fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, so cute.!!!!! You back in ptown?? Lets get together!!!!

Cristina said...

i love your costumes!!