Saturday, January 22, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Things I want to accomplish in 2011:

-My bff-turned-sister, Shannon, is getting married Dec 4th! I get to be the maid of honor! (I refuse to let anyone call me the MATRON of honor just bc Im married) I need to look good. Seriously, she's going to have these pictures forever, I need to not be a frump. My goal is to lose 100 lbs by then. It sounds daunting but really if I stick to 10 lbs a month I can easily do it. Thats like 2.5 lbs a week.

-Lets include learning to love the gym. And to hate desserts.

-Also, they need to be able to do something with my hair for the Im growing my hair out. I always say this but lets see if I can stick to it!

-Build some sort of credit. I have none. Zero. And no credit is bad credit. So I think I'll finance a car to start.

-Move out of my parents' house. Pretty sure this is going to happen REALLY soon but it's a easy goal so Im making it one :)

-Have a baby. If by some miracle I get pregnant this year, I will be a little more lenient on the 100 lbs weight loss goal.

-Do laundry more often. Poor Ryan is always telling me he is out of clothes...I need to be more aware of his clean clothes situation since he has WAY less clothes than I do!


erin said...

jennie, i'm sure it will work out that you will get pregnant and your baby will be due december 17th or so :) it always happens like that!

Chantalle said...

Good luck with everything! We will have fun accomplishing goals this year :) Right? As I pass up some awesome looking cupcakes today :(

Brett and Kimberly said...

You rock. Awesome goals, good luck :)