Thursday, April 21, 2011

Headboard Project!

I found this beaut' on Craigslist like a month ago and saw HUGE potential so I had to snag it!
I then bought some cute gray/suit-like fabric, upholstery tacks, and white spray paint. Off I went!
1. Remove cardboard backing and staples from headboard.
2. Pop out piece covered with fabric.
3. Remove the staples that are holding the fabric. In this case there were THREE layers of different fabrics! The previous owners had ideas like me :)
4. Use old, ugly fabric to trace and cut out new fabric and padding. I used quilt batting.
5. Pull padding TIGHTLY around the edges of the wood and staple.
6. Do the same with the fabric.
7. Use a hammer to "hammer" the upholstery tacks in wherever you want them to be to create the "tufts"
8. Sand down the wood frame realllllly well. I didnt do it good enough the first time and the paint bubbled so we had to sand it down all over again and put a new coat on!
9. Pop the fabric insert back into the wood frame and secure with staples or screws or whatever works best. We had too much padding so we had to use brackets.
10. VOILA! You get this cute, chic headboard for about $75!

I took pictures of each step for a "How-to" post but my internet is REALLY slow and wouldn't upload all the pictures. So you get the wordy version, sorry!

What do ya'll think??


Cristina said...

oh my goodness it looks SO GOOD!! you're so crafty! i dont think i could ever look at the "before" one and visualize what a beauty it could turn into!

Becky said...

looks awesome!

The Cambruzzi's: Jeff, Dakota & Aria said...

ummmm amazing! i plan on using these directions when i make ours next month

Jillian said...

Holy Smokes! That is beautiful!

Chase and Amanda said...

LOVE IT! You did a good job!

Tara said...

you seriously did THE most amazing job!!